Neue is now Kurppa Hosk

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New spaces

Shaping and creating new public spaces through art.


KORO (Kunst i offentlig rom/ Public Art Norway) produces and funds art for public spaces throughout Norway and at Norwegian consulates and embassies abroad. Their ambition is to reach out to the public, including those who do not usually visit galleries and art museums. In furtherance of this target, they install art in places where people pass through and spend their time.


The new visual identity makes KORO recognizable and illustrates how art creates new experiences and spaces – both in the public places where we move around, and in our minds when we meet the art. A single grid system is the starting point for all compositions. By adding images, new spaces are created in layout and style. A kind of text wrap. Together with logo and colors, this becomes the dogmatic elements of KORO’s visual identity, both in digital and physical formats.


Website designed in collaboration with Dekode.

Photo: Pål Hoff